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Pension Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

anchor bullet When do I become a Plan Participant?
anchor bullet What is employment in the industry?
anchor bullet What if I work for different employers?
anchor bullet How are my employment records kept?
anchor bullet Are Plan benefits paid automatically if I retire?
anchor bullet What day of the month will I receive my monthly pension check?
anchor bullet What happens if I become disabled after I stop working in the industry?
anchor bullet If I take early retirement, then return to employment, how will my pension be
calculated when I retire the second time?
anchor bullet

Can a survivor benefit be paid from the Plan to someone other than a spouse?


When do I become a Plan Participant?

You automatically become a Plan Participant after you have completed 1000 hours of employment in the industry during the first twelve months of your employment. If you do not work 1000 hours during your first twelve months of employment, you will become a Plan Participant when you first work 1000 hours during a contract year. If you were employed in the industry before October 1, 2013 you become a Plan Participant on the first day of the contract year in which you have worked 500 hours. A contract year begins on October 1 of one year and ends on September 30 of the next.

What is employment in the industry?

Employment in the industry refers to employment for which contributions are required to be made to the HRSA-ILA Pension Plan on your behalf while you are working for:

a member of the Hampton Roads Shipping Association in the Hampton Roads area where you are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the HRSA and the ILA; or
bullet the ILA as a Union representative or as an employee of HRSA-ILA for whom contributions are made.
bullet the HRSA-ILA Administrative Office.

What if I work for different employers?                                                     Back to Top

As long as you are working in the industry for an employer who has signed one of the collective bargaining agreements between the HRSA and the ILA, you will remain covered by the Plan. However, if you go to work for an employer who has not signed one of the agreements then hours worked for that employer will not be covered by the Plan.

How are my employment records kept?

All of the employers who "are signatory to the Collective Bargaining Agreements" report hours worked by their employees to the Administrative Office. These hours are recorded and kept on file in the HRSA-ILA computer system.

Are Plan benefits paid automatically if I retire?

No. You must fill out an application form and file it with the Administrative Office of the Plan. Benefits cannot begin until an application is received and the Board of Trustees approves your application. The Plan is required by law, however, to begin your benefits on April 1 in the calendar year following when you reach age 72 even if you have not applied.

What day of the month will I receive my monthly pension check?

Your monthly pension check is paid on the first day of each month. If you have signed up for Direct Deposit, your pension payment is electronically transmitted and is in your account on the first business day of the month. If the first of the month is a weekend or a holiday, you may have to wait until the first business day of the month before your bank gives you access to the funds. No checks will be issued before the first business day of the month.

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What happens if I become disabled after I stop working in the industry?

To be eligible for disability retirement you must become disabled while you are actively employed in the longshore industry and meet all other requirements that are listed on page 39 of the Summary Plan Description.

If I take early retirement, then return to employment, how will my pension be calculated when I retire the second time?

If you return to work, your second retirement benefit will be exactly the same benefit you received when you retired the first time plus you will receive credit for any additional service you have earned. You will receive credit for only the additional years worked at the benefit rate in effect at the time of your second retirement. For example, if you retire with a monthly benefit of $1,000.00, return to work for two full years, then retire for a second time in 2014, you will receive your original benefit of $1,000.00 plus credit for two more years.

Your new benefit will equal: $1,000.00 + $140.00
(2 x $70.00)=$1,140.00

Important Note: If you return to work in the industry and had elected the Lump Sum form of benefit when you retired, you are required to repay the Lump Sum in full, plus interest. The Lump Sum option was discontinued on February 1, 2011.

Can a survivor benefit be paid from the Plan to someone other than a spouse?

No. The Plan provides for survivor benefits to your spouse if you have been married for 12 full months before your death.

If you have further questions, e-mail us at

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HRSA-ILA Participant Services
Phone: 757-457-7090 | 1-800-899-3090 | Fax: 757-423-1205
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 757-423-3090